Saturday, May 11, 2019

Jews and Race in the United States Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Jews and rush along in the United States - Essay ExampleHistory has it that Jews entered America years earlier than 1700s (Pattai and Pattai 27). They mainly immigrated to the gray States of the US, where they were slave get the hang, big economists, planters and slave traders. As they continued to stay in America alongside increase immigration of other airstreams into America, Jews related and liquidated with the new races as well as the veritable ones. These interrelations led to leg in identification of the Jews and to an extent tell whether Jews have a race or not. With reference to Marcus, earlier 1790, American Constitution did not bothow room for naturalization of impure white race(s) into America (3). Fascinatingly, by that time Jews who immigrated to America were white and thus got naturalized as citizens of the US. Today, determining Jews is a big riddle that may require expertise of doctors to determine genetic makeup of the suspected Jews. Steinsaltz and Henegbi mention that in the nineteenth century, Jews were considered merely as religious group and not people belonging to any special race (1). Jews were most known to be anti-Christian though they lived and originated from Israel believed to be birth place of Christ. The recruits into Judaism or Jews have to stop and adhere to the strict commandments of Torah. Jews constitute of diversity of races among them Africans, Asians and Europeans and as religion, every individual who join Judaism becomes an automatic Jew. From the forward review, Jews therefore disqualifies to be a race but rather a people sharing frequent beliefs. Unlike other races whose physical makeup changes when they mingle and live long with other races, Jews at all times despite the color variations atomic number 18 identical when certain physical characteristics are carefully speculated (Pattai and Pattai 30). Jews are naturally promiscuous group who in the early 18th centuries when they dominated as slave masters i n the US, copulated with Negros in the Southern part of America to produce intermediary races or just Negro. The Jews likewise intermarried with the some of the European races like the Irish, Celts, and Anglo-Saxons among others. The intermarriages produce individuals of varied races depending on the Jews intermarrying partner. Among the characteristics used to determine Jews is the self-hatred psychology. As observed by Goldstein, Jews will easily be identified from their motives towards the Semites, they are always anti-Semites and this is a common attitude in every descendant of Jew in spite of color (10). Goldstein indicates that the facial bearing of the Jews that makes them easily identified, correspond that of a black African (5). First, Jews are characterized by muzzled-shaped mouth that does not resemble any race. Second, Jews have small chins, projected mouth and closely packed eyes. Jews are also at times in America, viewed as cultural people who share certain cultura l and social beliefs. Jews are like a family believing in the same orders and rules. This aspect was also dominant in the American history when the slave masters taught and influenced the slaves with their cultural practices and finally converting the slave Negros to adapt Jews concepts. Fishberg dictates that the spread and contamination of the original Jewish race was due to their capabilities of mixing and fitting in any environment despite of weather, subtlety and language differences

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